Saturday, October 3, 2020

Drugs and Us

What we eat on a daily routine, can be a boon or a bane. So, if bane is a reality, then are we taking drugs in disguise. In short, Unhealthy food is a major cause of desease or illness. Ronald Reagan, was always sick, during his entire Presindency, but, maybe, he was breast feeded, while young, that's boon in disguise. What I ate today, is a bane, as per my family. But still, I will advice, if you want to be awakened and smart. Eat Organic, think Smart and that too from my brother's farmland in Deoria. It's very hard to convince humans for FREE, then they want two' Anyway's Welcome Bhaiya to take charge of Will be in touch. Vivek Srivastava 226 339 9078

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